Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

14 Record(s) Found in our database

SEE ALSO: psychoanalytic theory

Search Results

1. Record Number: 24044
Author(s): Roukis-Stern, Christina,
Title : A Tale of Two Dioceses: Prologues as Letters in the "Vitae" Authored by Jacques de Vitry and Thomas de Cantimpré [The author analyzes the prefaces of five “vitae” (the life of Marie d’Oignies by Jacques and the other four (a supplement to the life of Marie d’Oignies, Christina Mirabilis , Marguerite d’Ypres, and Lutgard ) written by Thomas) looking particularly at the network of relationships the hagiographers had with holy women and with other clerics. Jacques dedicated his “vita” to Bishop Fulk of Toulouse but emphasized the superiority of Liège and its holy women over the arid and heretical diocese of Toulouse. Roukis-Stern observes in Thomas a number of anxieties and a particular need for close friendships. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Negotiating Community and Difference in Medieval Europe: Gender, Power, Patronage, and the Authority of Religion in Latin Christendom.   Edited by Katherine Allen Smith and Scott Wells Studies in the History of Christian Traditions .   Brill, 2009.  Pages 33 - 47.
Year of Publication: 2009.

2. Record Number: 14696
Author(s): Lee, Becky R.
Title : The Medieval Hysteric and Psychedelic Psychologist: A Revaluation of the Mysticism of Margery Kempe in the Light of the Transpersonal Psychology of Stanislav Grof
Source: Studia Mystica , 23., ( 2002):  Pages 102 - 126.
Year of Publication: 2002.

3. Record Number: 5466
Author(s): Lawes, Richard.
Title : Psychological Disorder and the Autobiographical Impulse in Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, and Thomas Hoccleve [the author argues that cases of psychological crises, such as Kempe's post-natal psychosis and temporal lobe disease, Julian's physical illness that brought on hallucinations, and Hoccleve's bi-polar condition, all may have served as a stimulus to autobiographical writings].
Source: Writing Religious Women: Female Spiritual and Textual Practices in Late Medieval England.   Edited by Denis Renevey and Christiania Whitehead .   University of Toronto Press, 2000. Studia Mystica , 23., ( 2002):  Pages 217 - 243.
Year of Publication: 2000.

4. Record Number: 4308
Author(s): Lawes, Richard.
Title : The Madness of Margery Kempe [The author suggests that Kempe suffered from temporal lobe epilepsy].
Source: The Medieval Mystical Tradition England, Ireland, and Wales. Exeter Symposium VI. Papers read at Charney Manor, July 1999.   Edited by Marion Glasscoe .   D. S. Brewer, 1999. Studia Mystica , 23., ( 2002):  Pages 147 - 167.
Year of Publication: 1999.

5. Record Number: 3927
Author(s): Farley, Mary Hardiman.
Title : Her Own Creature: Religion, Feminist Criticism, and the Functional Eccentricity of Margery Kempe [The author argues that Margery Kempe suffered from a personality disorder and that a psychological reading of her text is more compelling than a political one].
Source: Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 11., 1 (Spring 1999):  Pages 1 - 21.
Year of Publication: 1999.

6. Record Number: 3998
Author(s): Sargent, Michael G.,
Title : The Annihilation of Marguerite Porete
Source: Viator , 28., ( 1997):  Pages 253 - 279.
Year of Publication: 1997.

7. Record Number: 952
Author(s): Gradowicz- Pancer, Nira.
Title : Papa, mama, l' abbé et moi. "Conversion morum" et pathologie familiale d' après les sources hagiographiques du haut Moyen Age [suggests that young men joined monasteries in search of an ideal father figure, the abbot, because their own fathers were absent or harsh; mothers in the sources were, for the most part, nurturing and encouraged their sons' religious vocations].
Source: Moyen Age , 102., 1 ( 1996):  Pages 7 - 25.
Year of Publication: 1996.

8. Record Number: 1118
Author(s): Peters, Brad.
Title : Rolle's Eroticized Language in "The Fire of Love" [in writing for a male audience, Rolle feminizes both the writer and the reader].
Source: Mystics Quarterly , 21., 2 (June 1995):  Pages 51 - 58.
Year of Publication: 1995.

9. Record Number: 10800
Author(s): Arden, Heather M.
Title : The “Lais” of Marie de France and Carol Gilligan's Theory of the Psychology of Women [The author uses the psychological theories of Carol Gilligan to reconsider Marie's representations of women. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: In Quest of Marie de France: A Twelfth-Century Poet.   Edited by Chantal A. Marechal .   Edwin Mellen Press, 1992. Mystics Quarterly , 21., 2 (June 1995):  Pages 212 - 224.
Year of Publication: 1992.

10. Record Number: 11071
Author(s): Bardoel, Agatha Anna.
Title : The Psychology of Vision in Hadewijch [The author argues that Hadewijch's visions can be better understood by reading them against psychological studies of meditation. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Mystics Quarterly , 17., 2 ( 1991):  Pages 79 - 93.
Year of Publication: 1991.

11. Record Number: 11202
Author(s): Fite, Patricia P.
Title : To “Sytt and Syng of Luf Langyng”: The Feminine Dynamic of Richard Rolle’s Mysticism [Richard Rolle combines masculine and feminine dimensions of spirituality in his mystical writings. He uses feminized language as an alternative to the discourse of clerical authority, invoking the language of “luf langyng” (yearning for love) to express the mystical union of body and soul and the intense desire for union with the divine. Rolle’s concept of spiritual integration and affinity with the feminine anticipates the psychic theories of Carl Jung. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studia Mystica , 14., 40212 (Summer/Fall 1991):  Pages 13 - 29.
Year of Publication: 1991.

12. Record Number: 12798
Author(s): Cramer, Patricia.
Title : Lordship, Bondage, and the Erotic: The Psychological Bases of Chaucer's "Clerk's Tale" [The author offers a psychoanalytic interpretation of "The Clerk's Tale," questioning readings of the story which see Walter and Griselda as an "ideal" Oedipal couple. She further attempts to invalidate Oedipal resolutions by revealing their negative psyc
Source: JEGP: Journal of English and Germanic Philology , 89., 4 (October 1990):  Pages 491 - 511.
Year of Publication: 1990.

13. Record Number: 12749
Author(s): Ford-Grabowsky, Mary.
Title : Angels and Archetypes: A Jungian Approach to Saint Hildegard [Jung’s psychological work on archetypes helps explain the elusive essence and role of angels in Christian theology. Hildegard’s vision of angels in her writings depict them as resembling archetypes in their dual nature, their affinity to divine energies, and their role in the individuation and salvation of the self. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: American Benedictine Review , 41., 1 ( 1990):  Pages 1 - 19.
Year of Publication: 1990.

14. Record Number: 12782
Author(s): Cronan, Dennis.
Title : Criseyde: the First Capitulation [The article performs an extended close reading of Book II, lines 442-76 of Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde, concluding that the passage shows Criseyde to be mostly innocent, but with a capacity for self-deception. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studia Neophilologica , 62., 1 ( 1990):  Pages 37 - 42.
Year of Publication: 1990.